domingo, 2 de fevereiro de 2014

Wine math, equivalences

Wine math made this report containing equivalences for wine and maths lovers

Calculation detail:
If 75 grapes = 1 cluster and 25 clusters on 1 vine then 1 vine = 1.875 grapes
If 2.420 vines = 1 acre (6×3 spacing) then 1 acre= 4.637.500 grapes,
If 1 acre yeilds 2 tons then 1 ton = 2.268.750 grapes
If 1 ton fills 25 barrels then 1 barrel = 907.500 grapes
If one barrel fills 24 cases then 1 case= 37.813 grapes,
If 1 case holds 12 bottles then 1 bottle= 3.151 grapes,
If 1 bottle pours 5 glasses then 1 glass contains 630 grapes

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